returns policy

trycore Marketing

Delivery & Returns

The price of the goods does not include a charge for delivery. The delivery charge, if applicable, is calculated automatically and shown on the website when you place your order.

Please Note:
We will deliver the products ordered by you to the address given by you at the time you make your order. It is, however, your responsibility to provide us with accurate delivery address details. We will not check or verify addresses and messages supplied by you. We shall have no liability to you whatsoever, financial, administrative or otherwise, if you do not receive your order as a result of your providing incorrect delivery details.

It is your responsibility to ensure that an appropriate person is available at the delivery address at all times during the day of delivery. If no-one is at the address when the delivery is attempted, goods sent by standard first class mail will be left at a recommended safe place by the courier. Please note adverse weather conditions or other events outside of our reasonable control may result in the occasional late or cancelled delivery. If that is the case we will endeavour to contact you as soon as she is able to in order to reschedule your delivery time and date. In any event our liability to you will be limited to the price of goods not delivered and the cost of delivery.


We guarantee the quality of our products. You must inspect the products and notify us promptly of any dissatisfaction with your order. We will promptly and fully refund the cost of any products if one of the criteria set out below applies to the product/s delivered to you:

1. The products are not what you ordered;
2. The products are damaged or defective;
3. The delivery is of an incorrect quantity; or
4. If you do not receive the products ordered (other than as a result of your providing incorrect delivery address details as above).

We will arrange with you for the products to be returned to us. We reserve the right to make any refund due to you in whatever way we choose.

Please see our TERMS & CONDITIONS for further information.